1-Leg Deadlift w/ 1-Arm Row - Landmine, Side Loaded


Starting Position: Standing with your side to the end of the barbell. Standing on one leg, hold the weight in the hand closest to the weight.

Procedure: Keep back flat, bend at the waist, and lower the weight as the non-support leg lifts straight behind. At the end range of movement, pull the weight up until the hand is even with the chest, then lower. Stand up by contracting your hamstring and glutes. Complete all reps on one leg and arm before repeating with the opposites.

Coaching Key: Keep the weight close to the body and prevent the back from rounding during the movement. Maintain a straight line from the ear through the ankle; the torso and leg should move as one unit. 

Feel It: Glutes, hamstrings, back, and abdominals.