Eleiko Weightlifting Level 1 ONLINE Course

Online Course

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The Eleiko Weightlifting Level 1 online course is designed to help you develop a deep understanding of effective instruction, cueing, and feedback and provide a system for assessing and progressing novice or advanced weightlifters.

This self-paced 12+ hour ONLINE course is designed to up-skill fitness and performance professionals in coaching, technical movement, and programming for weightlifting. You will be systematically introduced to the weightlifting movements (snatch, clean, and jerk) and have a systematic process for coaching others through the technical lifts. The course also introduces the fundamentals required to build basic weightlifting programs and/or incorporate weightlifting as a component of progressive, periodized training plans.

After you complete the course, you will have access to the level 1 test, once you pass the test, you will receive your certificate.

The course will provide each participant with a greater level of interaction by using lectures and practical applications for each section.

Available Course Credits

CSCCa 6.00
NASM 1.30
NSCA 1.60

Learning Objectives

  • Learn to confidently and systematically progress novice or advanced lifters through weightlifting movements
  • Practice different movement screens to determine someone's ability (appropriate starting point)
  • Identify compensations and understand how they alter the lifting mechanics
  • Utilize a framework for addressing compensations and improving lifting performance
  • Course Procedure

    1. Enroll in the course.
    2. View the course content.
    3. Take the test. (You must score 80% to pass. If you do not pass, you may retake the test.)

    Course Content

    Introduction & Performance
    Weightlifting Movement Screens
    The Snatch
    The Clean
    Lifting from the Floor
    The Jerk
    Compensations and Corrections
    Coaching to Address Compensations
    Coaching Activity
    Programming, Placement & Progressions
    Final Test

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    About Eleiko Education

    Eleiko raises the bar for education delivering an array of programs effectively combining in-depth written course content with a hands-on emphasis on lifting proficiency, program development, and becoming a better coach. The Eleiko Learning System has combined a comprehensive learning design along with instructional design to deliver the most engaging learner-centric experience available for Olympic lifting, powerlifting and functional strength training. The curriculum is competency-based such that the participants can implement the skills and knowledge immediately to increase success of their athletes, members & themselves.