Powerlifting Coach (Part 2): Online Course

Online Course

Includes all course content in digital format

Prerequisites Required


The Powerlifting Coach online course takes you on an educational journey through multiple topics necessary to help you become a successful Powerlifting Coach. It provides a fundamental understanding of Powerlifting - from its history and benefits to proper technique and coaching. You will gain an understanding of human movement science, performance nutrition, assessing athletes for their readiness to lift, as well as essential fundamental aspects for programming and coaching.

This self-paced 15+ hour online course is designed to prepare you as a coach with proper technique, performance, IPF rules and commands, and guidelines for coaching your athletes through a successful competition. You will be guided through each of the lifts (squat, bench press, and deadlift) and shown a systematic process for coaching athletes to perform them.

After you complete this course, you will gain access to Part 3 - the Practical Workshop.

The course will provide each participant with a greater level of interaction by using presentations, summary notes, practical videos, access to the Eleiko exercise library, and other resources to assist you on your Powerlifting Coaching journey.

Learning Objectives

  • Gain insight into how the human body moves and produces motion
  • Learn to confidently and competently progress novice or more advanced athletes through the Powerlifting movements
  • Gain understanding of the IPF rules and commands for each lift
  • Learn to perform a variety of assessments to determine an athlete's readiness and ability to lift
  • Identify compensations and understand how they alter the lifting mechanics
  • Learn aspects of developing programming strategies for athletes
  • Learn key tips for coaching an athlete through a competition
  • Course Procedure

    1. Enroll in the course.
    2. View the course content.
    3. Take the test. (You must score 80% to pass. If you do not pass, you may retake the test.

    Course Content

    An Introduction to Powerlifting
    Human Movement Science: Systems
    Human Movement Science: Function
    Human Movement Science: Performance
    Performance Nutrition
    Assessing Lifter Readiness
    Mechanics of Trunk Stability
    Technique, Compensations and Corrections
    Technique for the Squat
    Technique for the Bench Press
    Technique for the Deadlift
    Effective Training and Programming: Warm-up Strategies
    Effective Training and Programming: Recovery Strategies
    Effective Training and Programming: Basic Program Design
    Effective Coaching
    Preparing for a Competition
    Sport for All
    Next Steps

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    About Eleiko Education

    Eleiko raises the bar for education delivering an array of programs effectively combining in-depth written course content with a hands-on emphasis on lifting proficiency, program development, and becoming a better coach. The Eleiko Learning System has combined a comprehensive learning design along with instructional design to deliver the most engaging learner-centric experience available for Olympic lifting, powerlifting and functional strength training. The curriculum is competency-based such that the participants can implement the skills and knowledge immediately to increase success of their athletes, members & themselves.